Ginny's Fudge and Nuts

When I began compiling information for this web-site my thoughts were flooded with how many people have made this journey possible. Please indulge me while I attempt to bring them into the light.

Jack and Virginia "Ginny" - Unending gratitude for all their time and effort toward making this company what it is today. Jack would have loved every minute of this crazy crafters lifestyle. Ginny, for putting up with more that your share of fudge and guff from all those surrounding you. Thanks to you both for instilling such a strong work ethic in your family and always encouraging them to reach for more.

Frank and Earlene - Thanks for endless hours of support, taking care of our children and our pets. Coming through at the ninth hour, pitching in on those early years, even coming out to sell with us at a few shows. Mom, thanks for doing the laundry when I was too tired to even think about it. When Dad retired, he came and helped us when he could. He was a great help in the candy kitchen and he even went out and worked the shows with us a few years, we had some great times and even better talks. I cherish the many miles we traveled that allowed me to get to know him better ... I heard a few stories I might have missed if not for the opportunity. 

Jay and Jackie - Our children. Thank you for understanding this crazy lifestyle we are in the middle of. There are times when you definitely pulled the short end of the stick, but we have gotten through it. Now you are both getting into this business more and more, we are thrilled every time you join us. We are grateful for all you have accomplished over the years. Thanks for wrapping fudge, bagging nuts, labeling boxes, loading trailers, and not fussing at us too much when we have to miss a weekend at home, because we are working.

Jay - He married Alisha in 2011, and they welcomed a son in 2018 (Our first grandbaby!). We love that little family and we are fortunate that they have chosen to build their life right here in our home town.  Jay is even more integral to this business now that I could have imagined. He works with us full time as a General Manager, he even manages to manage me and Steve at times! He is involved in every aspect of what we do, and quite truthfully, we could not do it without him. We've been at this since 1994, Jay was 5 years old when we began this journey .. and soon enough he will be the one mapping out the rest of the way. 

Jackie - Jackie went to work for Georgia 4-H (Hall County) right out of High School, she loved working with the kids, and 4-H has always been an important part of her life.  She decided to go back to school and very soon she will be following her selected path of Medical Coding and Billing. She's still in school but is almost done! Meanwhile, she still helps us out in the candy kitchen (when she can) and at shows (when she can). Jackie told me that working as a 4-H program assistant "made her lazy" and working these shows just kicks her tail now, but she's still "got it" and we can't let all those years of training go to waste, so she works with us when we need her.  She's also the only one that can flip fudge like I do in the candy kitchen...that's saying a lot. Jackie handles the website stuff, she updates our show schedule and product lists. She prints our labels and shows me how to send attachments (repeatedly). 

Allyn and Tracy - Oh my gosh, where do I even begin; Thank you so much for all your help, and talents. We appreciate everything you do with and FOR us. These two really rock in the booth. Tracy is usually on the fudge side, hanging out with Steve and you'll find Allyn over on the nut end of the biz....of course, she is gonna make sure everyone gets a sample, and takes home a bag (or 4) of sweet cinnamon nuts. We've known Allyn for over 20 years, and when she retired from doing craft shows on her own, I tentatively asked if she would be interested in helping me at the Yellow Daisy Festival ... soooo many years and soooo many shows ago. Well, she did, and she is ... and she even brought Tracy into this crazy life... so, he is too. We may be tired working a craft show, but if we are all together, we are having a good time! So, when they aren't working their regular jobs, we talk them into coming with us every chance we get. 

Jordan - You started hanging out in our booth when you were too small to see over the counter. That wasn't a problem, I just put you on a stool and let you hand out samples ... I've never seen a little kid get so many tips for handing out samples. You got a little older, and a little taller and began waiting on customers, and holding it down real good. You have been a big part of our shows your whole life. Now you are grown and in College. working a job and yet you STILL make time for us when you can. We love having you in the booth whenever your schedule permits. 

Our Family and Friends - Thanks for always being here to lend a hand. Sometimes we've hooked you into cutting and wrapping fudge with us, or bagging nuts (endless tasks), sometimes we load you up and drag you away from home so we'll have help at a weekend festival. Most of you have come back for more, some of you, we never hear from again (what's up with that?). We would be NOTHING without our good friends helping us. You know there is only so much that any person can physically do in any number of hours. You all really have pulled us out of some jam up times. If you are feeling particularly generous, save it up, October is coming and we'll need you for sure.

Some past, some present helpers along the way...
Lois,   John,   Rhonda,   Bonnie,   Regena,   Unzell,   Kim,   Jeff,   Connie,   Kellie,   Stan,   Carol,   Ashley,   Dick - for working in all ways of production, selling,  and that special time in Soperton,   Carolyn,   Adam,   Eric,   Lynn,   Chelsea,   Vanessa,  Eva,   Joe,   Kyle,   Mary, BB, Doug, Adrian,   Matilda,  Troy - for driving all the way to Hendersonville NC to bring more fudge,  and Dwight who occasionally sells nuts when not working for "Crafts by Pat".



That's alot of people to consider, but remember ... SOME of them never come back around.

For Example: Celia's Father came for a visit once, about 5 years ago and has never come back. I'm not sure what happened, we had a great time ... we made fudge, we wrapped fudge, we cooked nuts (I even let Dad have a try at cooking pecans because they're his favorites), we made pralines and packaged them ... we got alot done that day. Actually it was more like the course of a few days. Well, once he got back to New Mexico, that was that. We have seen each other since then, but always on neutral ground. No more candy making for him ... he said something about us wearing him out. (I don't get it)

Lynn - Thanks for the gift of the first ever ginnysfudgeandnuts web-site. this whole web thing is 100% your doing .. you pulled us from the dark ages and supplied us with our first computer, then went the extra mile and gifted us with a web-page .. let's see what happens next.

John and Jane Singer - Thanks for being the first ones to tell us about "festivals" and "arts and craft shows". You took some real newbies and pointed us in the right direction.

Leonard and Martha McElroy, MMM Woodcrafts - You took us under your wings and into your hearts .. you both taught us everything we will ever need to know about being a friend and what the heart of being a crafter is all about. There is more that seperates "crafters" from other vendors  than will ever be visible to the naked eye. Anytime I think of you, I think of that first Freak-nik weekend in Atlanta, when we couldn't get a room, and you invited us to your home. I will never stop wondering why you were always so good to us, but I am ever thankful for having you in our lives.    We miss you both greatly.

Russ, Patti and Devin - Most Importantly, for sharing your family with ours, for your friendship and love, and for so much more. For the MANY times when you took pity on a tired, slow girl and came over to help me take down my booth. You've repeatedly helped me over the years, I've always been thankful for your kindness.

Pat and Larry -  Pat, thank you for coming to us at the Sourwood Festival in Black Mountain NC and offering us a great opportunity to expand our business. You were ready to retire and wanted to sell your nut business. It was a great decision. We've never regretted it. Thank you for helping us grow.

To our Customers - Thank you for always coming back for more!!! Really, we wouldn't be anywhere without your trust and continued support of our business. We thank you for all the wonderful, positive feedback, and we thank you for the occasional not so positive comments (they allow us to mend our ways, and move forward). You know what we always say, "If you love it, tell EVERYONE, if you don't... tell us."

To our Circle of Friends - You know who you are, and how precious you are to us. Thank you for unyielding support and encouragement over the years. You are our crafter family and sometimes it feels like we're all we've got out there.

To the show Promoters/Organizers - Thank you for all you do to provide us with tangible events for our "weekend store-front". We appreciate your efforts.

Many of the events we participate in have a huge army of volunteers ... you rock! Thanks for all the organized chaos, but especially for the porta-potties and trash cans ... two important elements not to be overlooked.